"Taking the Gospel to the streets"
Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Chuch
3634 Brooklyn Ave.
K.C.M.O. 64109
Dr. Alfred White, Pastor &
Lady Eunice White

We Rock for The Rock Psalm 18:2

Sunday Morning Worship

Wednesday Night Worship
Our Pastor Dr. Alfred White and Lady Eunice White
would like to thank everyone who joins online and worships with us weekly. We may not be in the building, but God's presence is with us and He still gets the glory.
Below you will see events and announcements for this week
please see the following:
1. Prayer Meeting will be Monday & Tuesday at 6:00pm
2. Sunday Morning worship will be at 10:00 am, and Wednesday Night
Worship Services will be at 6 pm (after prayer), both services will be broadcast on the following:
Prayer Line
Facebook - Mt. Sinai MBC
YouTube - Pastor Alfred White Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
Please join us.
2. If you would like to donate to our ministry, please use the Givelify app and locate the Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church, Kansas City MO
3. Food Program is Monday through Friday at 3634 Brooklyn Ave. K.C.M.O
64109 from 11 am to 1 pm all are welcome.
4. Please continue to pray for our leaders on all levels National, State, and Local. Pray for our community as we go through this virus and continue
to follow safety measures. Just remember no matter what goes on ,God is
in control.
Any prayer request, please go to our contact us page. Fill out the form and we will forward it to our Pastor and prayer team.
Again, thank you and have a blessed day.